The Callais Family

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Parker Jane starts Kindergarten


She's so little. She'll be in the 11th grade before she grows into her backpack. For Pete's sake, she was just born, how can she go to elementary school??? Here she is, on her first day of school. She loves her teacher. She loves her class. She is completely exhausted.

Although, after her very first day, Paige and I walked up to the school to meet her and she looked upset. Her little eyebrows were furled and there was no smile when she saw me. As soon as she walked up to us, her friend Amy asked if PJ could stop at the playground with her and her brother. Parker said she wanted to go, so we stopped at the playground. Paige ran over to the play structure while PJ seemed to sulk on the bench. Then she sat at the picnic table. Finally she yelled, "I want to go home!" and ran. What the...??? Well, Parker Jane doesn't always have to go to the bathroom in the morning, until, like 10am. She didn't go that morning before school. Then she was too shy to ask the teacher to go. Youch. Kevin and I talked to her and I let the teacher know what happened, and luckily she has proudly and bravely gone every day since.

First Day of Preschool

Paige started at her new school early this month, Sept 6th. The have yet to see her sleep. Other than her avoidance of naps, they seem to adore her and she likes to go! Well, she likes to go to school. Her daily report is covered with "WSD"s. That stands for "wet, sat, didn't go". Here are a couple of pictures of her being dropped off for her first day. When she meets people, she gets shy and pulls up her dress. It makes sense to her.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The girls LOVE their Nana and their Nana Kelly. They love that they are real dancers and a Mardi Gras Queen and that they are in Daddy's stories and in actual costumes in pictures we have at the house. So last week when Nana sent a huge box of those very costumes, well, you can imagine.
Parker is trying to look serious and dramatic in this picture, while Paige prefers to layer her outfits, but can't always figure out which end is up. PJ rolls her eyes at Paige and insists that she be more serious in her outfits ("it's almost time for our show!") The other day Paige wore (what I think is) a leg garter around her head for about 9 hours.
Thank you so much Nana for the endless hours of dress up and fun!

Visiting Ohio

Here are some fun pictures from our vacation to Ohio. PJ hamming it up at her My Little Pony birthday party, us in the backyard of my childhood home (never mind that we are minutes before getting attacked by the most evil bees in the world), at the zoo and at the Indians game - including a picture of Grady Sizemore (the cutest by far of all the Cleveland Indians) hitting a homer. I took that picture. My Dad scored us ridiculously great seats - Papa Lou should have been there!! Parker was yelling "Hey, Batter, Batter, Swing Batter!!" and I think they could hear her. Seriously. At the zoo we petted stingrays and sharks at this exhibit they had set up where you were allowed to reach in and pet them. After we got back and heard the sad news about that Crocodile Hunter guy, I told our friends that we had just petted stingrays. Parker looked at me terrified and said something like "oh my gosh, that trip was soooo dangerous".