The Callais Family

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hurray! Grandma Mar Mar's here!

After I found out that I would be missing PJ's recital to go to California (next post...) combined with little Miss Paige being on antibiotics 30/40 days in March/April, my mom agreed, not reluctantly but joyfully, to come to Oregon and help bail me out. I wanted to pull Paige out of her little germ-pool daycare for a bit and I needed a back stage hand for the dancing queen. I mean princess.
Hopefully she will return one day. She didn't have time to eat once while I was at work until I got home, then she would stuff junk food and sliced turkey in her mouth mumbling , "what's for dinner" while the girls, not ready to lose the attention, would eat turkey for her. Even ultra-vegetarian Parker would EAT MEAT to keep Grandma going. Paige had her wrapped around her little finger like only a 2 year old can pull off. She had Mom potty training and devising these elaborate nap routines. Mom kept saying, "I'm glad I had my kids young." Advice to other Moms - get all your babysitting for the year from Grandma in one week!

Here's a picture of Mom and the girls at the Zoo, and a picture of them crying when she was leaving. Is it my imagination, or does she look pretty happy to be going home??


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